HEF Scholarships - Applying for a Scholarship

*All scholarship applications require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you need a copy, you can download it here.

PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and does not store your credit card information. This transaction will show on your credit card bill as “PAYPAL *HILTONEDUCA*"

All PayPal donations are subject to a transaction fee of 2.5%, HEF will receive $97.50 with a $100 donation.

All Applications need to be submitted by April 30th, 2024 in order to be reviewed and awarded on Bravo Night. You can email them here.

The Hilton Education Foundation is pleased to award three scholarships in its name:

HEF Aggie Seneway Founder Scholarship
Criteria includes evidence of continued academic progress, extra curricular involvement, and volunteer work. These scholarships are limited to seniors only. $2,500 will be awarded in addition to a Surface Computer.
Use the button below to donate to the HEF Aggie Seneway Founder Scholarship.
Hilton Education Foundation Scholarship
HEF Skilled Trades & Services Scholarship

The Foundation awards the Hilton Education Foundation Skilled Trades and Services Scholarship to a student who will further his or her education in skilled trades or services. For a senior currently enrolled in a WEMOCO, New Visions, or other Career and Technical Education program. $2,500 will be awarded in addition to a Surface Computer.
Use the button below to donate to the Skilled Trades & Services Scholarship
HEF Women’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) Scholarship

Women who are pursuing an undergraduate and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics during the school year. $2,500 will be awarded in addition to a Surface Computer.

Use the button below to donate to the HEF Women's STEM Scholarship

We also administer these other scholarships. Once a scholarship is established, the Foundation promotes the scholarship, selects the recipient, and manages contributions to the fund. Click the link to the right of the scholarship/fund to make a donation through PayPal.

Seniors interested in applying for any of these scholarships, check out this resource.

Dimbleby Opportunity Scholarship

This Scholarship will provide $500 to support a first generation Hilton High School graduate's college costs. The candidate must show evidence of strong academic progress, extracurricular activities, and community service. Candidates can apply with a written essay or video presentation. See the link below for the full details.
Use the button below to donate to the
Dimbleby Opportunity
Jennejahn Family Award

This $200 award is given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated unusual perseverance, generosity, humility, and demonstrates these thru community and school interaction.  Always putting the needs of others first.  They are able to show an ability to overcome adversity with determination, resolve, and humility.
Use the button below to donate to the
Jennejahn Family
Lisa Tydings Scholarship

This $1,000 Scholarship will be given to recognize a graduating, college-bound Hilton High School Senior with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher who is planning to become an elementary school teacher.
Use the button below to donate to the
Lisa Tydings
The Colline Family Scholarship

The $500 Scholarship will be given to a student planning to study History or Teaching History.
Use the button below to donate to The Colline Family
Bryssa Lynn Polatas Memorial Art Scholarship

This $500 Scholarship was established in the name of Bryssa Lynn Polatas, a 2016 Hilton High School graduate who passed away in a tragic car accident on January 12, 2017 at the age of 18. The scholarship is to encourage students to pursue a career in Visual Arts including; drawing, painting, charcoals, art history, art therapy or fashion design.
Use the button below to donate to the
Bryssa Lynn Polatas
Bryssa Lynn Polatas Memorial Scholarship

Ellen Reitter Acts of Kindness Award

This scholarship will provide $1,500 to support a Hilton High School student who is graduating this year and continuing their post-secondary education. The recipient of this award is someone who exemplifies the essence of Ellen through their dedication, hard work and compassion; who shows acts of kindness, not randomly, but as part of their normal way of life.

Use the button below to donate to the Ellen Reitter Scholarship.
Ellen Reitter Scholarship
Dr. James D. Nundy Endowment Fund

This scholarship will provide $2000 for a student planning a
career in veterinary or human medicine. Criteria includes a GPA of at least 3.0 and exhibition of financial need.
Use the button below to donate to the Dr. James D. Nundy Endowment Fund.
Dr. James D. Nundy Endowment Fund
Laura Downs Scholarship Fund

This Scholarship fund will provide $500 to a student with an average of 85% or higher with plans to attend college. A one-page essay is required to address "Why I am Deserving of this Award." (Include your community and citizenship activities.)

Use the button below to donate to the Laura Downs Scholarship Fund.
Laura Downs Scholarship Fund
Donald W. Flemming Engineering Award

Ensign Donald W. Flemming, USN, was a WWII naval aviator and 1935 Hilton High School graduate. He was tragically lost on September 6, 1944 flying a Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bomber. This award recognizes a graduating senior who is on track to complete the requirements for the CTE Endorsement in Pre-Engineering and is majoring in engineering for the upcoming school year. The recipient will be selected by the teachers in the Hilton High School Technology Education Department, and awarded this $2,000 award.
Recipient chosen by HS Technology Education Department
Use the button below to donate to the Donald W. Flemming Engineering Award

Marcus Gibbs Acres of Diamonds Scholarship

The Marcus Gibbs Acres of Diamonds Scholarship ($1,000) is intended to recognize students that have a humble confidence in their own abilities to succeed, a belief in the ability of others to succeed and a desire to serve and encourage others to become their best selves.

2024 Application Here

Al Mullan Memorial Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is given to a student who is a resident of the Hilton Central School District, and who has participated in cross country and track. They must be recognized by two of his/her school educators, and be highly motivated. Criteria includes evidence of continued academic progress and extracurricular and Community involvement. The applicant will prepare a typed essay of approximately 250 words, which states why the applicant should receive the award based on how cross country and track impacted his/her school achievements and success.

Application Here

The Robert Phillips' Model United Nations Scholarship
formerly the Hilton Model United Nations Annual Scholarship

For a Hilton High School Graduating Senior that has been an active Model UN Club Member for at least Three Years, has been active in a Leadership Role, regularly attends UN Club meetings, demonstrates responsibility, and will be pursuing a postsecondary education that will benefit from Hilton Model UN High School involvement. Further details in the application form below. This scholarship is handled by the High School Model UN Advisors.



Contact us at anytime for assistance

Hilton Education Foundation
P.O. Box 232
Hilton, NY 14468
(585) 392-1078